Roof Management Plans

  • The roof of a building is probably its most valuable asset. Keeping those who work beneath it dry and protected from the elements and ensuring that stock and equipment remain undamaged and operating profitably.
  • Once a roof has started to leak, severe deterioration of the whole roofing system and its associated components around these locations will have taken place. This can lead to expensive, premature roof replacement and damage to stock and internal fittings.
  • By taking a more proactive approach, Roof Investigations Ltd can combine a number of their survey techniques along with essential maintenance items such as gutter cleaning, basic gulley clearing and checking and replacing leaf guards to rain water outlets to provide a comprehensive Roof Management Plan.
  • After an annual inspection and testing a comprehensive roof report is provided to the Client fully describing the roofs condition with any defects noted and a full photographic record and sketch plans showing any areas requiring attention. With this information targeted repairs can be carried out to significantly extend your roofs life expectancy.
  • Included in the report will be a Roof Inspection Certificate so that if a roof leak should occur you can prove your maintenance obligations in the event of an insurance claim.

By carrying out your annual Roof Management Plan we bring you the following benefits:

The cost of ineffective repairs and unnecessary roof replacement is eliminated.
The Client gains specific, accurate condition reports on roofing stock from an impartial source.
No surprise expenditure on roof maintenance.
No disputes over your responsibility to maintain your roof in the event of an insurance claim.

  • Applying Technology To Flat Roofing.

Look No Further. Get Started Today